
Yoga (Sold Out)

8 weeks
Starting January 15th
Ecole Henry Kelsey School Gymnasium

(+ $2.00 fee)
Sold Out

SHiNE Dance Fitness (7 remaining)

Fitness through Dance!
Come have a blast with Sarah - Certified SHiNE Dance Instructor!
Wednesday's at 7 : 15pm
Ecole Henry Kelsey School Gymnasium
10 Weeks
Starting Jan 15th

(+ $2.00 fee)

Adult Hula Hoop Class (7 remaining)

Thursday's 7-8pm
Starting January 16th
8 week Session
This Beginner Hula-Hooping class increases balance, flexibility, cardio and coordination. We will be spending our time inside of the hula hoop (provided) learning how to use our cores to push and pull the hoop around our bodies. Then learn how to troubleshoot a hoop falling downwards! This introductory class will get you comfortable inside the hoop, explore basic hula-hooping fundamentals in a welcoming environment. No experience is necessary. Class will progress slowly accommodating beginner level learning.

(+ $0.00 fee)

Youth Baton Twirling (5 remaining)

Come and Meet Miss Emily!
Tuesday's - 7 - 8pm
Starting January 14th
Ecole Henry Kelsey School Gymnasium
Ages 6yrs and up!
Please wear active wear and running shoes!
Batons will be provided for participants to use during class!

(+ $2.00 fee)

Mini Movers (1 remaining)

Ages 3-5 yrs
Tuesdays 6 - 6:45pm
Starting January 14th
Ecole Henry Kelsey Gymnasium
Improve flexibility, rhythm, and coordination while allowing kids to express themselves through movement. With playful activities, creative games, and catchy music!

(+ $0.00 fee)

Learn to Skate (Sold Out)

Come Learn to Skate with Certified Skating Instructor Aaron Campbell
Minimum 5 years up to 12 years
10:00 am - 10:45am
6 weeks
Starting January 11th
Valens Drive Outdoor Rink
Bring your own Skates and Water bottle!
The warm - up shack will be open during classes!

(+ $2.00 fee)
Sold Out

Power Skating (3 remaining)

Come Improve your Skills with Power Skating with Certified Skating Instructor Aaron Campbell
Up to 12 years old
11 - 12pm
6 Week Session
Starting January 11th
Valens Drive Outdoor Rink
Bring your own Skates and Water bottle!
The warm - up shack will be open during classes!

(+ $2.00 fee)
Total: $0.00


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